Philadelphia | 6:25AM EST
Commitment is a word that keeps popping up for me..especially within business. A word that gets tossed around often but never deeply looked at. Within my life, i’ve noticed an old pattern where I would say and get excited about certain things but would never finish projects or would never keep my word in certain friendships, plans, business, relationships, personal growth, etc. Commitment is the substance of it all. It gives you more clarity towards purpose and allows us to step into that king & queen energy.. It starts with self..being honest about who you are affects your level of commitment towards everything else in your life. All of my intentions and goals mean absolutely nothing without that level of focus. Taking each day to make sure that everything I touch and say comes from a deep level of understanding. Brick by brick. Every move has to be precise. The more I lock in and dedicate my life to committing to my purpose is when life starts to happen for me.